Our Department
The Department of Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics, in the Sedes Sapientiae Institute of São Paulo (Brazil) was founded on May 17, 2017, having evolved from the Specialization Training on Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics, developed since 1993.
The materialization of this project, which has been dreamed of for a long time, is - like the Project of Clinical Care and Research in Psychosomatics that has been going on in the Sedes Clinical Sector since 2000 – a result of the intense investment and dedication of students, alumni and professors of the courses of Specialization and of Introduction to Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics .
In our view, the Department is for us and for all Sedes Sapientiae’s community, the most gratifying representation of our mission of training and development of a live, creative and transformative theoretical and clinical thinking.
The Department of Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics proposes to be a space of exchange with colleagues, departments and other courses of the Sedes, as well as with institutions and professionals from other horizons, in Brazil and abroad.
It aims to develop activities of a formative, scientific, cultural, research and publication character, guided by an expanded vision of health and illness and clinical practice enabled by Psychoanalytical Psychosomatics.